Loads of Links 5/20/13


+ What I Mean When I Say I’m Sex Positive.

+ “Cultural Appropriation: A conversation” is a photo series by Sanaa Hamid depicting people on either side of cultural appropriation in an attempt to create a dialogue.

+ How would Henry VIII and Elizabeth I look in the 21st century? I’m pretty into Shakespeare’s new hairdo.

+ Seema Jilani experienced some really alarming racism at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner.

+ For her daughter’s 5th birthday, photographer Jaime C. Moore dressed her up as five influential women from history. I’d love to see this continued with more young girls with different cultural backgrounds!

+ Yolo Akili explores the sometimes-sexist relationship between gay men and women’s bodies.

+ Yi Shun Lai writes about her experiences with racism, Asian-American stereotypes, and “well-meaning bigots.”

+ Karen at off the (meat)hook debunks ten common food and cooking myths.

+ Kiera Wilmot will not be charged with a felony, and will instead be going to space camp! Her expulsion status at school still seems to be unclear, though. As Shannon Hale said on Twitter, “Don’t punish curiosity.”

+ 25 Minority Characters That Hollywood Whitewashed.

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