Outfit Post: 1/11/14


Dress and jacket: Thrifted — Boots: eBay (Steve Madden Troopas) — Leggings: Target — Necklace: DIY — Earrings: Etsy


Haircut day! Haircut day is my favorite day. (Well, besides Eat All the Eggs You Want day, which is every day. I truly, deeply, love an egg.)


I don’t know if you can tell, but this time Becky gave me a kicky asymmetrical cut–shorter on the right and longer on the left. It makes me feel mad cute, guys.


The rest of the weekend was pretty nice too–I made marshmallows and cold-brew coffee, cleaned up around the house, and started writing letters to some friends.


(And I dyed my hair, but you guys won’t see that until tomorrow. Stay tuned! Same dork time, same dork channel.)

4 thoughts on “Outfit Post: 1/11/14

  1. This dress is such a pretty color on you! And I can’t wait to see your new hair color.

    Also, not for nothing, but I too love eggs. Especially over easy. Man, I’d eat an ooey, gooey over easy egg on top of anything!

  2. Great outfit and necklace! You pose so well (this seems like a really weird thing to say, but I’m going with it)–I especially love that first photo.

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