Outfit Post: 10/21/15


Top: Thrifted (The North Face) — Skirt: Thrifted (Maurices) — Shoes: Thrifted (Born) — Footie Socks: Sock Dreams (Basic Liner Socks in Grey) — Necklace: Fable and Fury — Bracelet: Small Change Finery — Earrings: Gift


At the risk of sounding like a broken record, did you know that The North Face made non-outerwear clothing? I sure friggin’ didn’t! I thought they were entirely a fleece-jacket concern, but apparently I was incorrect.


(Okay, deviating from the script.) I found this boatneck top while thrifting, as per usual, and even though I wasn’t sure about the pale blue color on myself, it seemed nicely-made so I picked it up. In a detail I didn’t capture, the outer points of the neckline are oddly reinforced with triangles of fabric–to what end, I’m not sure. Mystery shirt!


The whole outfit ended up thrown together in two minutes after I overslept–I was dreaming, not at all embarrassingly, about Nekoatsume–and so it is a complete coincidence that I wore my elk-antler bracelet with Mr. Thomas Alan Waits, pictured below.


The connection didn’t actually occur to me until I sat down to write this post. See, the woman who made the bracelet named her business after one of Tom Waits’ albums–or at least, the friend I bought it from said she did, and I have no reason to disbelieve her.


Perhaps the theme had burrowed its way into my subconscious while I slept? I blame my subconscious for a lot because it can only get back at me in weird, roundabout ways.


Anyway, now I’m a bit disappointed that I spent the whole day listening to Deb Talan and Hellogoodbye. Not that either of those choices were bad ones, but I could’ve scored a hat trick without even knowing it!

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