Outfit Post: 12/4/15


Shirt: Target — Pants: J.Crew — Cardigan: Thrifted (Indigenous) — Boots: Duo — Necklace: Fable and Fury — Earrings: Apostrophie


I knew I hadn’t worn my Duo boots in a long time, but has it really been two years? Good gravy.


The thing about those Duo boots is that…well, they hurt. I don’t know if it’s an issue of them not being broken-in enough or if they just don’t suit my legs, but the crumple zone at the ankle rubs blisters something fierce. Even when I wear thick socks with them, by the end of the day I end up hobbling.


I haven’t wanted to wear them but spent too much money to justify giving them away, so naturally they ended up in the back of my closet. I guess it’s time to look up the town cobbler. (Probably located in the same strip mall as the town smith and the town fishwife, huh?)

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