Loads of Links 7/7/14


image via Stacy Bias

You can read an excerpt from A.K. Summers’ comic “Pregnant Butch” here–if you’re curious about one butch lesbian’s thoughts on pregnancy and gender presentation, I recommend checking it out.

This Girl With Curves post is a couple of years old now, but hot dang, that wrap dress looks phenomenal on her.

Mary Hendrie’s post “Why I Don’t Want Your Compliment” is great, and the core of it can’t be repeated enough: unless you have explicit permission, please, please don’t comment on someone else’s body.

Grown and Curvy Woman is consistently great with her outfits, but, in particular, her styling of this skirt knocked me off my feet.

Nina Mitchell’s spoken version of her sneaking-out-of-the-hospital-after-a-stroke story is wonderful; she tells it so well and it lifts my spirits.

Big necklace, loose dress, cool boots: it’s official, Stef looks amazing.

Stacy Bias has a really incredible, thoughtful illustrated post on “Good Fatty” Archetypes.

Also illustrated and so, so good is Jana Christy’s diary comic about donating a kidney to her brother.

Jenny Trout wrote an article for the Huffington Post about wearing a bikini while fat, and then reflected on the article’s impact a couple of days later.

Stephanie at Chocolate Laced is cute as a dang button. And those yellow pants!!

I’m not sure I’ll ever stop being fascinated by the Somerton Man/Taman Shud case, and Lucia Peters’ writeup of the incident only further inflames my curiosity.

A Canadian sex worker (who is a really cool friend!) wrote this very no-nonsense response to Tasha Kheiriddin’s uninformed “prostitution is sexual abuse” opinion piece.

Over the weekend I saw some really shitty headdress-appropriating clothing in San Francisco, so this seems like a good time (actually, always is a good time) to link to Beyond Buckskin’s helpful how-to guide for non-shitty Native-inspired summer festival fashion.

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