Mia’s Winter 2013 30 for 30: Retrospective











Look at that! Billions and billions of galaxies Mias. Yes, we are past my spontaneous let’s-do-this-thing 30 for 30, and I didn’t even stab anybody.

So, how do I feel about it, looking back? Hmm–alright. I’m not sure I’m as satisfied with the results as I was with 2012’s 30 for 30, but I do feel like I’ve come a ways since 2011’s 30 for 30. I feel like some of these outfits, while acceptable combinations of the stuff I picked out for myself, were a little…boring, maybe? But I guess that’ll happen with any capsule-type challenge, where you’re walking the line between picking items that are as remixable as possible while still keeping things fresh and interesting.

Also, as always, some unexpected elements kept things challenging: having semi-limited washing machine access put something of a cramp in my style and made me put together some odd combinations out of the only things that were clean. The unseasonally warm weather meant that I couldn’t wear certain items as much as I wanted to, and made for some weird layering experiments. Weekend-wear was also difficult–next time, I definitely need to include at least one or two more weekend-appropriate tops, since I just don’t do button-fronts for relaxation purposes.

Other observations:

– MVP: polka-dotted bubble-hem dress (4 wears)

– LVP: red slacks, striped tee, and dark red button-front (2 wears each) — I think this was because I let them all get horribly wrinkled during the move, and fixing that wasn’t on the agenda since I’m still in the market for a new iron (any suggestions?).

-MVC (most valuable color): red (12/30 outfits) — success! Red and I are much more friendly now.

– Hats worn 3 times

– Belts worn 10 times

– Scarves worn 3 times

– Suspenders worn once — far too few times, I reckon.

Have you considered doing a 30 for 30 lately? It’s definitely about a once-a-year thing for me, but I think it’s a good creative exercise, and helps me appreciate the rest of my wardrobe that much more. What do y’all think?

Outfit Post: 2/8/13 (30 of 30)


Dress: Swapped — Leggings: From Leah’s free pile — Boots: Duo (Ashburn) — Belt: Ross — Earrings: Hand-me-down


Well, this is it, y’all! I finally made it to the end of my spontaneous 30-for-30, and a harrowing journey it was. I’m glad I got to squeeze in one more wearing of this dress, although it continues to frustrate me when it comes time to photograph it. Dang camera-shy sweaterdress.


I’m still sick and will probably take a few days off the blog until I’m feeling better. (I got Mike sick too, to boot, so you can imagine how much fun we’re having.) Take care, folks, and don’t touch your coworkers’ keyboards.

Outfit Post: 2/5-2/7 (27-29)


Hey, y’all, and happy Friday, if it is indeed Friday where you’re reading this.


I’ll be honest with you: I’m dang tired, and by the time you read this I may have left work early to crash at home and nurse my burgeoning cold (damn these plague-ridden coworkers!)–but here are some pictures from the last couple days, still taken indoors but somewhat improved by the presence of the flash.


My 30 for 30 is drawing to a close, and not a moment too soon. I’m ready to wear something else for a change!


Peace out, and see you back here (maybe) on Monday.





Outfit Post: 2/4/13 (26 of 30)


Top: Goodwill (Wet Seal) — Long-sleeved tee: Target — Skirt: Goodwill (H&M) — Tights: HUE — Shoes: Swapped — Ring: Monterey Bay Aquarium — Earrings and pendant: Hand-me-downs


I don’t think I’ve mentioned it yet, but my bike was stolen a couple of weeks ago. I’m not terribly surprised, given that it was locked outside my building at work for a week and a half while I was too busy after-hours to go pick it up (and it was locked with an ancient cord lock besides), but still. I hope the person who took it really needed it, because of all the bikes in the world to steal, a crummy old Schwinn isn’t much of a score. (Although it did have newish lights on the front and back, dangit.)


In a strange turn of circumstances, however, I may be receiving a free, new-to-me cruiser this afternoon–I can’t quite believe it, so we’ll see if it’s still available when I go to pick it up after work. Maybe-thanks, Public Safety!


Now I just have to get back into the habit of riding, since I’ve had to drive to work for the last couple of weeks. The route from the new house won’t be all that different from the old one, but I still have to give it a test ride to see how much longer it takes me.


I also have to go buy a new lock–I know most people recommend a U-lock for better safety than a cord lock, but I’m thinking about investing in a TiGr lock. Mike got one when they were Kickstartering the idea and has nothing but good things to say about his, so I’m considering it. Any alternative locking methods I should look into, bike-riding friends?

Outfit Post: 2/2/13 (25 of 30)


Top: Thrifted (Banana Republic) — Jeans: Trash and Vaudeville (Tripp NYC) — Oxfords: Payless — Belt and socks: target — Earrings: Vendor on campus — Necklace: Gift from Mexico


You may think I wore this outfit for a regular weekend-type day, but you’d be wrong.


Oh, no, I got gussied up for something special. What was that special thing?


Nothing other than the creation of the biggest cheeseburger in California. Truly, I was proud to be there on such a momentous occasion. (For the record, it tasted a lot like grilled meatloaf. Go figure.)

Outfit Post: 2/1/13 (24 of 30)


Button-front: Goodwill — Skirt: Gift — Tights: Goodwill (Target) — Flats: Thrifted (Born) — Suspenders: Thrifted — Tie: ASOS — Earrings: Gift from Katie!


I kinda like this area of the backyard for taking pictures. Something about the fence and the roses makes me feel like I’ve been transported back in time to every American family’s photos from 1992, like I should be eight years old, sunburnt, and wearing cutoffs and a big t-shirt with Minnie Mouse on it. (Note: I was definitely not 8 years old in 1992. This is Ur-America I’m talking about here.)


And I should be scowling because my brother just punched me and called me a butthead. Some things never change.

Outfit Post: 1/29-1/31 (21-23)


More oddly-lit outfit pictures, hooray! Fortunately I haven’t been wearing much in the way of jewelry recently because of moving stuff, so I haven’t had to worry too much about detail shots. It’s starting to still be light when I get home from work, though, so more quality pictures are forthcoming.


How was your weekend, internet? Mine was pretty good. For those of you who don’t follow a large number of comic artists on Twitter, Friday was Hourly Comics Day, which made me hearken back to the one time I did HCD myself, three years ago in college. I’m kind of surprised I actually posted them online, considering I lived with art students at the time and they put my crummy efforts to shame. (Going back through my old LiveJournal posts is semi-embarrassing and dull at the same time. Are we all doomed to find our younger selves completely insufferable? Also, I should have given David Neilsen his drawing style back.)


I already missed this year’s, but maybe I’ll try HCD again sometime soon. I used to love drawing (if you really want to see embarrassing, go check out my old DeviantArt profile), but I haven’t used it as a creative outlet in a really long time. I think my self-consciousness overwhelmed my enjoyment of it, which is sad. I mean, I’ll never be as good as Anthony or Vera Brosgol, but that doesn’t mean I can’t have fun with it.

Do you like to draw? What are your creative outlets?


As an addendum, here’s a weird plant that’s growing in our new backyard. Anybody know what it is? I am not well versed in tall flora, so my guesses are limited to “sunflower” or “corn.”

Outfit Post: 1/28/13 (20 of 30)


Shirt: Goodwill — Jeans: Nordstrom Rack — Belt, earrings, and socks: Target — Flats: Thrifted (Born) — Bracelet: Gift — Necklace: Fuzppa


Do you like this outfit? I hope you do. I only got to wear it for about twenty minutes.


See, I ended up having a surprise meeting with a flying bottle of pomegranate juice right after taking these pictures, and promptly decided to set an hour aside to clean every red-soaked surface in the kitchen thereafter. I hope the antioxidants were good for the hardwood floors!


Fortunately, I ran everything through the wash with some OxyClean and while it all still smells faintly fruity, the stains appear to have been neutralized.


Moral of the story: be careful when opening your fridge, folks. There may be insurgents lying in wait.

Outfit Posts: 1/25-1/27 (17-19)


I gotta be honest with you guys: I’m feeling kind of bummed this week. Nothing big has been going on, just a panoply of little things that have left me feeling crummy and out of sorts. Today it’s some awful, misogynistic comments that I’m coming across while doing my job (misogyny on the internet? you don’t say!)–nothing directed at me, but it doesn’t raise my faith in humanity to an all-time high.


I’m going to try not to dwell on it, though. I will think of happier times!


Like when we all went to IKEA and I wore this cute dress (though really, what’s with the weirdly low pockets?) and got some fun new kitchen stuff, not to mention some food. Don’t tell anyone, but I have an extreme weakness for their salmon paste.

Or I’ll think about the MC Frontalot jams that Mike and I have been having while moving our stuff:

It’s true: ain’t nothing like a rap about grammar to restore my good mood.

Outfit Post: 1/22-1/23 (15 & 16)


Yurg. Like I said yesterday, some of the pictures I’ve been taking have been…experimental and crummy sans flash because the days are still too dang short for it to be light when I get home. Really, I should just get off my sweet lazy can and have Mike help me get the flash and umbrella set up, but instead I feel like whining about it still being wintertime.


But it’s not even properly wintertime-cold enough for my awesome vest to be appropriate! Cry, cry, weep, wail, and sob. I’ve been fantasizing about summer a lot lately–long evenings, tank tops and shorts, and popsicles. I got a cheapy little set of popsicle molds from IKEA over the weekend (more on that tomorrow) and during my sick day Monday I pinned approximately fourteen thousand popsicle recipes to my Pinterest food board. And yeah, I could just make winter popsicles, but shut up.


Enough of my complaining, though. Let’s all just stare into Eulalie’s eyes until we feel good again.